Satisfaction Survey, 2010
As part of our commitment to quality holiday provision, we periodically survey both our young guests and their parents to ensure we continue to meet their expectations and needs.
In 2010, a satisfaction survey was conducted amongst both the parents/guardians of children who attended the Sunshine House as well as the children themselves.
This survey is available for download, in PDF format, here:
Dublin Insitute of Technology, 2008
In 2008, researchers from the School of Hospitality Management and Tourism and the Tourism Research Centre in the Dublin Institute of Technology (Cathal Brugha Street), produced a working paper based on research carried out in the Sunshine Fund. This report was entitled “Poverty, Social Exclusion and Holidaying”.
The study produced by Dr Bernadette Quinn, Dr Kevin A. Griffin and Jane Stacey, investigated the importance that an annual holiday can have on the lives of children living in poverty. It argued that while, in Ireland, provision of these holidays is dependent on non-governmental organisations, that a structured holiday can have a profound, positive impact on the lives of these children and on their families.
This study, funded by the Combat Poverty Agency under its Poverty Research Initiative, is available for download, in PDF format here: