Roles and Responsibilities

The role of volunteers in the Sunshine House is to provide children with a happy, safe and fun-filled environment. This could involve:

  • managing football teams
  • helping to build sandcastles
  • painting pictures
  • collecting crabs
  • judging competitions
  • or simply being a friendly face

There is a role for everyone.


You will be with the children all day, except your own mealtimes and breaks, from when they get up in the morning until they go to sleep at night. You are there to provide positive attention and to supervise their holiday, ensuring that no child is left out or bullied.

The boys and girls who participate on our holiday programme and other events at Sunshine House are our most important treasure and have been entrusted to us by their parents and guardians.

As a volunteer, you will attend SVP Child Protection training and must promise to strictly follow the Code of Conduct, childcare policies and other guidelines given by the Sunshine Fund as a condition of providing your services.

Volunteer’s Promise

While you are in Sunshine House YOU WILL:

  • Have fun and help make a great holiday for children.
  • Actively engage with the children – chat, play games, be friendly and supportive.
  • Follow the ‘2 to 1’ rule – always make sure there are other volunteers close by.
  • Wear your name badge at all times.
  • Treat everyone equally and with respect.
  • Be inclusive.
  • Be positive and promote positive behaviour with the children.
  • Be patient and show consideration.
  • Be a team player.
  • Respect privacy.
  • Be a role model.
  • Report any concerns to our Child Safeguarding Officer or the Head Volunteer.

While you are in Sunshine House you WILL NOT:

  • Engage in any physical punishment of children.
  • Shout at children.
  • Tell jokes of a sexual nature to children.
  • Be on your own with a child.
  • Harm or pose a threat to a child.
  • Engage in any bullying behaviour against a child or volunteer.
  • Use hurtful language that might humiliate or threaten a child or volunteer.
  • Engage in rough play or horse play that might harm a child or volunteer.
  • Have favourites.
  • Keep any secrets for a child.
  • Take any photographs of children.
  • Give your mobile number or contact details, or agree to be friends with children on any form of social media.
  • Contact children after the holiday in Sunshine House.
  • Give children any non-prescribed medications.
  • Use alcohol or drugs or be under the influence of either.

Download a copy of our Volunteers’ Code of Conduct

Will you give one week of your summer to make a difference to a child’s life? Will you join us? Apply to become a volunteer for the Sunshine Fund today.